
workin on ma weight

drugs bunny- weight control [NB04]


newbaltimore update

shits next level bruh(t)

workin on: drugs bunny - weight control NB04 c30

immediate future:
fabric project

also- gonna be a cavelife/newbaltimore split shit with arabbing and drugs bunny

yup yupypupyupyup

smells like pup

stay tooned dreadknaughts


showze back on @ thef401tress

greettings babez to none

gonna start thorwin shit down and up again over here on the easy east

first up

27 mars
EL TW0L0 inaugural with narwhalz(of sound), turquoise cats, copper glove, and salamander wool
maybe a special guest

in j4h wings

24 avril
andrew bernstein, total bolsheviks (new london), nothingberryplasma and comeback ranch
(donation$ at this show for rhode dogs)
pâús€ on the house sets

stay tooned.....